Category Archives: Kim Kardashian news

Brandy Reaches wants to be on friendly terms with Kim Kardashian

Brandy Reaches and Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian has many friends and many enemies. Brandy Reaches can not be called a friend of Kim. Anyway, in the last interview Brandy Reaches has told that she would like to be on friendly terms with Kim Kardashian, despite all. Brandy Reaches is an elder sister of Kim Kardashian’s ex-boyfriend and her partner in sex tape, Ray J.
“Honestly I can just take this moment and say that I really miss my friendship with Kim, I really do. I can’t wait to see her at the premiere and try to say something to her, tell her I love her and I’m here whenever she needs me.”
Both girls should meet on film-making studio of the Tyler Perry’s film The Marriage Counselor. At the moment when it became known, many considered that it was impossible, and that Kim wouldn’t work well together with Brandy Reaches.
Probably, Brandy Reaches has decided not to tempt fate and took the first step towards Kim so as to gain scores from her fans. However, it is not clear, why was the recognition so frank? Probably Brandy Reaches feels fault for Ray J having let out the video in a network?

Kim Kardashian stood between Kanye West and Amber Rose?

Kanye West and Kim K

Kim Kardashian is an incorrigible woman! If she wants something, she gets it at any cost. For example, breaking up a family means nothing to her. She has already broken her own one, then why not do the same with a happy couple Kanye West and Amber Rose! Kim Kardashian had some relationships with the rapper Kaney West, while dating with Reggie Bush, NFL player. She even sent her new passion hot photos by the mail and when Amber wrote her back, Kim didn’t take trouble to explain the situation. The model Amber Rose was shocked at Kim’s indifference:”She was sending pictures, and I was like, ‘Kim, just stop. Don’t be that person. I thought at least she’d be woman enough to respond to me. She never responded.” Well, nothing more can be expected from the woman, who climbed her career ladder due to her notorious video with Ray J.
Meanwhile Kim Kardashian didn’t seem to feel guilty. She returned from her holiday and headed for the salon to have her nails manicured. Of course, she didn’t forget to make the “duck” face for the cameras during the procedure.
Kim is also involved in acting, this time in Tim Allen’s comedy Last Man Standing. She tweeted happily about it: “Just finished rehearsal & table read for Last Man Standing! Such a funny show

PR fuss over Kim Karadashian

PR fuss over Kim Karadashian

Dollicia Bryan took Kim Kardashian’s place dating with Kris Humphries. It would be quite ok if there wasn’t a peculiar thing about it: Dollicia resembles Kim a lot and many times stood in the reality show star’s way. This model was said to have slept with Reggie Bush when the latter was Kim’s boyfriend. Dollicia was even dating with Kim Kardashian’s brother Rob. What a struck must it be for the socialite to learn that her ex-husband was noticed in the company of her rival!
Meanwhile Kris Humphries returns to his habitual way of life, without constant attention of paparazzi. He plays for his team and although they have recently had a double blow, he doesn’t give up and enjoys his life: “Life just happens. As long as you’re focused and pay attention to life, everything is easier. I learned that I put my faith in God, my family and basketball. I feel now like I’m home again.”
Kim Kardashian aka sex tape super star continues to search for new ways to attract more attention to her bright personality in addition to fuss around her sex video. This time she went as far as to decide to adopt a child from Haiti! According to her words, she pities the poor children who live under inappropriate conditions. Kim is suspected of being not sincere as she is not ready to be the mother, even of the foster child. Remember her carrying Mason, Kourtney Kardashian’s son in a bag like an accessory! So, it seems to be a simple PR stunt.

Kim Kardashian vs two blondes

Kris Humphries with two blondes

More curious details emerged about Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries’s divorce. It appeared that just two weeks before their complete separation Kris left the party with two pretty blondes. The basketball star headed for his and his wife’s suite with them. There the two girls entertained themselves by taking photos in different rooms. They even had a nerve to lie on Kim’s bed! Besides, they made photo with Kim and Kris’ personal towels. Of course, these pictures appeared in the net with the exclamations of the girls following them. Kim Kardashian must have been really shocked at such a behavior!
But now New Year is coming and it makes Kim not to think about her broken relationships with Kris. The reality show star is ready to earn money…on herself! Taking into consideration her notorious sex tape, it is not a surprise. Kim invites her fans to join her in celebrating the New Year. Not for free, definitely. Only $200 must be paid for participating or $20K for sitting next to Kim.

Reggie Bush wants Kim Kardashian back?

Reggie Bush and sex tape star Kim Kardashian

While Kris Humphries, being a very religious person, is suffering from the divorce, Kim Kardashian is supported by her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush. The latter was the first one, who wrote sex tape star to know that she was well after such a difficult decision. Reggie has chosen the right moment to act. The guy whom the sex tape star met before Ray J, tries to renew relations.
Kim is lonely now and needs man’s shoulder as well as some flirt. “Reggie always knew that it wasn’t going to work, so he’s been waiting and watching. They’ve stayed in touch ever since, texting and talking. Kim was Reggie’s first love. He knows she’s hurting right now, but when the time is right, he’ll swoop in and take care of her.” These are the words of Kim Kardashian’s close family friend.
Kim’s ex-husband must be really upset as he has never understood his light-headed ex-wife. He tried to revive their marriage by persuading the judge, who deals with their matrimonial suit, and he even made a petition for stopping this process.
Kim Kardashian doesn’t appreciate Kris’ efforts and even blames him of being a gay! She says that he didn’t want to touch her during their honeymoon.

Kim Kardashian takes yoga classes with a naked instructor

Kim Kardashian takes yoga

Have you ever had yoga with a naked yoga master? Sounds ridiculous, but Kim Kardashian did. Kim Kardashian sex video is not a unique occasion to get naked for the sake of the career. Moreover, it was in that very apartment where Kris Humphries and Kim had their show filmed. Imagine, how angry Kris was, when he saw this episode in ‘Kortney and Kim Take New York’! It is said that that this scene had been done by design by Kim’s sister Kourtney, as the yoga instructor himself has never taught his classes nude. It looks like a provocation for the row between present ex-spouses. Anyway, scandal took place and now Kim and Kris are in divorce.
Kim Kardashian feels quite depressed at the moment. She begins to realize that her life is not perfect without family and children and she thinks she has missed the boat. “At first I was like, I want six kids. Then I went down to four, then I was down to three and now I’m like, maybe I won’t have any. Maybe I’ll just be a good aunt … at this moment in my life, I feel like maybe I’m not supposed to have kids and all that.”