Most recently, Paris Hilton has apologized to Kim Kardashian for harsh comments, and now she is back into the old ways. In a recent interview Paris said that she does not care about popularity of Kim Kardashian, because Hilton said that she was “original”, while Kim Kardashian just trying to imitate her.
Perhaps, in Kim Kardashian’s career things that are similar to those that Paris Hilton has done can be traced. Perhaps, but if you compare all these similarities, Kim will be ahead on many points. A simple example may be the earliest reality TV show of Paris, which has already become a history, while the Growing Up Kardashian show is still popular.
About popularity of Kim Kardashian sex tape is even not necessary to speak, as this tape is known to be more successful than Paris Hilton sex tape, the interest to star can be judged by this success . If popularity of Kim Kardashian hasn’t disturbed Paris Hilton, most likely the blonde even wouldn’t have started talking about it.
What you think about it?