After sex tape in 2007 Kim Kardashian is certainly no stranger to publicity, and last night’s interview on ‘The Tonight Show With Jay Leno’ was no exception. Fortunately, Jay Leno didn’t shy away from asking Kim K how things are going in the wake of her divorce from hubby of 72 days, Kris Humphries. Kim’s answers were frank and honest.
Kim Kardashian told Jay Leno that yes, it was really difficult to go through the split from Kris Humphries on television, but because the Kardashian family lives their lives on reality television, the decision to do it publicly was a good one. She says yes, the divorce is a tough thing to go through and she wasn’t entirely prepared for how “brutal” the media would be. Kim went on to say that she’s learned a lot of lessons from the terrible experience — lessons that she thinks changed her in a good way.
Why does Kim Kardashan think her marriage ended? Actually, Kim didn’t say — not exactly. All she’d say on the matter was that she “just felt like I had to end it and I’m OK with that decision.”
Interestingly enough, Kim briefly touches on the fact that some Kardashian family members weren’t entirely happy with her decision to marry Kris Humphries. She said in retrospect, sure, it’s easy to say “oh, that was a sign” that something was wrong. Hindsight is always 50/50, isn’t it? If someone believes they’re in love, what are the chances they’ll cut ties to their love just because a family member doesn’t think the relationship is a good idea? Kim didn’t, she made a terrible mistake and she’s apparently learning from it.
Good for Kim — discussing something so personal can’t always be easy, even for a Kardashian used to being on camera all the time!