While Kris Humphries, being a very religious person, is suffering from the divorce, Kim Kardashian is supported by her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush. The latter was the first one, who wrote sex tape star to know that she was well after such a difficult decision. Reggie has chosen the right moment to act. The guy whom the sex tape star met before Ray J, tries to renew relations.
Kim is lonely now and needs man’s shoulder as well as some flirt. “Reggie always knew that it wasn’t going to work, so he’s been waiting and watching. They’ve stayed in touch ever since, texting and talking. Kim was Reggie’s first love. He knows she’s hurting right now, but when the time is right, he’ll swoop in and take care of her.” These are the words of Kim Kardashian’s close family friend.
Kim’s ex-husband must be really upset as he has never understood his light-headed ex-wife. He tried to revive their marriage by persuading the judge, who deals with their matrimonial suit, and he even made a petition for stopping this process.
Kim Kardashian doesn’t appreciate Kris’ efforts and even blames him of being a gay! She says that he didn’t want to touch her during their honeymoon.