Kim Kardashian isn’t known for being shy about much of anything, particularly her famous body. Now, the reality star is taking things to a whole new level. On Thursday, Kim K tweeted an Instagram photo of herself, wearing extremely sexy black lingerie.
For fans of Kim Kardashian, this was a great day. Their favorite star decked out in skimpy lingerie? Yes, please! Kim actually does look gorgeous in the photo. Her hair looks stunning. If this is a new look for her, it’s working. She almost has a neat retro look going on in the photo. Britain’s Daily Mail notes that Kim “looks like a modern day Brigitte Bardot,” and it’s hard not to agree. While no one will ever be able to exactly duplicate Bardot’s signature look, Kim does come close with her big hair and her curvy figure.
Interestingly enough, Kim Kardashian talks a bit about her recent 10-pound weight loss, saying she dropped the weight in just 10 days! That isn’t easy to do, no matter what kind of diet you’re on, but Kim says she did it by not eating any foods with sugar, gluten or dairy in them.
Could Kim’s new sexy look be thanks to her new boyfriend, Kanye West? Whatever it is, she looks amazing!