Kim Kardashian was offended by the famous rapper, Snoop Dogg. He made a video,where he insults Kim, saying very rude things about her. He pities Kris Humphries who got married to such a ‘cold blooded’ woman. Snoop Dogg reminds everyone of the notorious sex tape. ‘You shouldn’t have tried to wife the b****’, the rapper gives advice to Kim’s ex-husband.
However, Kim Kardashian reveals her soul in ‘Kourtney and Kim Take New York’:“It’s hard for me. I had dinner with him last night one on one and I was going crazy. I had nothing to talk about,” Kim says, breaking down. “He’s a good heart. He’s a Christian. He’s everything on paper exactly what I want in someone — but for some reason, my heart isn’t connecting. I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I don’t know what to do.” Quite unexpected words from the famous reality show star, but they sound true.
Kim Kardashian also tries herself in acting in the show ‘Drop Dead Diva’. She is highly appreciated by the executive producer,Josh Berman. So she has no time for worrying about offensive phrases in her face.