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3 main reasons for Kim Kardashian divorce (in GIF)

For many, still is a mystery why the marriage of sex tape star Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries ended so quickly. We in KimKTaped conducted own investigation and came to the unequivocal conclusion, which we hasten to share with you:

#1 Kim’s satisfaction with other women. This fascination eventually had to affect the relationship of newlywed

Kim Kardashian gif


#2 A strange Kim’s family. Kris Humphries is often becoming hostage of strange and intimate relationship within the family of Kim Kardashian. Perhaps we are talking about incest

Kim Kardashian gif


#3 Lack of proximity of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries is associated with the reluctance of the young man to wander through the tunnel where before him was visited quite a few famous people and after sex tape

Kim Kardashian gif


Well, now all becomes very clear. If any of your friends have not idea about this, we ask you send this information and so it’s help close the question of Kim Kardashian divorce once and for all.
